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Douglas County Training

Mental Health First Aid at Work

-General Awareness
Society may be opening up, but the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the ways we work, learn and connect will
be felt for years to come. That makes understanding your colleagues more important than ever.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) at Work General Awareness training is a unique opportunity that teaches you
how to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges you
may encounter in the workplace.
During this four-hour session, you’ll learn new skills and gain confidence to reach out to colleagues, co-workers and
direct reports who may need some support, either because of mental health or substance use challenges, or simply
from trying to succeed in the new normal. You will also come away with a better understanding of employee resources
you can use in all facets of your work and life.
By signing up for MHFA at Work General Awareness training, you can help enhance the overall culture of mental
health and wellness within your organization.
Note: MHFA at Work General Awareness training does not certify participants as Mental Health First Aiders.
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the purpose and role of Mental Health First Aid.
2. Identify the impact of mental health challenges and recovery on the well-being of adults in the workplace.
3. Describe the principles of workplace safety and privacy.
4. Recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health challenges and how they impact the workplace.
5. Explain and practice the 5-step Mental Health First Aid Action Plan (ALGEE).
6. Discuss appropriate methods of self-care for individuals in the workplace.
  • General Awareness Training
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed